How We Do It

sales intelligence solutions

Our Network

Our sales intelligence solution provides information on more than 2.5k highly sought-after accounts, known as The Emissary Account List (TEAL). This list encompasses many of the world’s largest and most complex organizations.

Within these accounts, we recruit a proprietary set of individuals who both currently and previously held director-level positions or higher, allowing them to provide unique, highly nuanced technology-buying insights and coaching.

We recruit personas across the following categories:

  • Automotive
  • Consumer Packaged Goods
  • Energy
  • Entertainment & Media Production
  • Financial Services & Insurance
  • Healthcare
  • Life Sciences
  • Manufacturing
  • Retail
  • Transportation & Logistics
  • And many more

Within these accounts, we have recruited a proprietary network of individuals who have recently left their roles to ensure the information they are providing is highly relevant. 100% of our advisors held director-level positions or higher, allowing them to provide unique, highly nuanced technology-buying insights.

Powerful Sales Intelligence Solutions

Emissary Knowledge

Emissary Knowledge is a platform that synthesizes the firsthand insights of thousands of former executives from highly sought-after companies across a range of industries. Knowledge offers information that can be leveraged for a variety of critical sales, marketing, and product motions.

The platform currently features insights into more than 1,000 organizations — and counting.

Emissary Coach

We also offer the opportunity to directly interact with our expert network through Emissary Coach. Build upon the information found in Knowledge by scheduling one-on-one sessions with our advisors directly from the platform. This experience includes a 30-day follow-up period and the ability to customize each conversation to best suit your specific needs.

Use Coach to:

  • Collaborate on how a specific presentation or talk track will land with a buying group
  • Learn the lay of the land within a target organization that has a need for your offering
  • Strategize on how to best position a specific solution
  • Roleplay an upcoming interaction
  • Get a deal that is stuck back on the move
  • And more


Go beyond Knowledge and Coach and leverage advisors for their insights delivered through a wide range of custom sales intelligence solutions, including:

  • Account Planning Sessions
  • Content Marketing Evaluation
  • Custom Projects and Surveys
  • Event Participation
  • Focus Groups
  • Sales Kickoff Workshops
  • Training Sessions


Ready to leverage our sales intelligence software’s firsthand insights to forge powerful connections with the world’s largest and most complex companies? Contact our team today.

(646) 776-0501

228 Park Ave S, Ste 86223
New York, NY 10003